We have a clinically relevant mouse model of cyclical intermittent hypoxia (CIH) one of the major underlying pathologies of a very common sleep disorder, obstructive sleep apnea. Using this model, we are specifically looking at the effect of CIH on lung cancer progression, and mechanistically, the immune profile.

Representative of Sleep Study in a patient with Obstructive Sleep Apnea. This pattern of cyclical intermittent hypoxia is replicated in the HYCON which is used to study mice.

HYCON: Delivers cyclical intermittent hypoxia, the underlying pathology of Obstructive Sleep Apnea, to mice to explore its effect on various diseases and understand mechanisms.


Here I have 3 different areas of interest.

  1. BLOOD BIOMARKERS: As part of our R01 “Metabolomics of Obstructive Sleep Apnea,” we are evaluating the utility of blood biomarkers to diagnose OSA and response to OSA treatment.

  2. PHYSIOLOGICAL BIOMARKERS: Together with Jinyoung Kim, Hosung Kim and Anup Das, we are develop novel signals on the polysomnogram to subtype patients with OSA, insomnia and shift work. Some interesting outcome metrics we are assessing are cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases.

  3. As part of SAGIC, we are evaluating the effect of OSA on cardiovascular and PTSD outcome measures.

SAGIC: Sleep Apnea Global Interdisciplinary Consortium. By combining our data, we can evaluate the effect of ethnicity/race on sleep apnea.