The Lim Lab’s strength lies in the mouse models we have developed. By utilizing both a spontaneous model and a syngeneic orthotopic model, we start with a single tumor that progresses and metastasizes that we track using uCT scans of the lung. Armed with these models, we aim to assess the effect of cyclical intermittent hypoxia on the primary lung tumor as well as the metastatic niches, with special attention to immunosuppression.

While each PI has our own projects, we also actively engage in Team Science where collaboration is seamless, almost as if we are one big lab. We share ideas, samples, equipment, solutions, antibodies—- where each lab member is expected to share their keen observations, interesting reading, hard-earned techniques and data, and present difficult problems that need to be solved. By working together, we are able to move towards solving clinically relevant problems in lung cancer.

Team Science with Dr. Wangpaichitr, Dr. Holt, Dr. Das and Dr. Chen: Our collective aim is to understand primary resistance and eventually secondary resistance to lung cancer drug treatment.